This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The hand-and-a-half arming sword, sometimes called a bastard broadsword, tried to combine the best of both worlds. All types of styles are available including fencing swords for sparring that feature a button tip and medieval reenactment swords with unsharpened flat blades. Medieval Ware is an online medieval store, where you can buy medieval swords, daggers, medieval clothes, armours, jewels and various collectibles from the Middle Ages, both for collection and for LARPing. These functional un-edged swords are inspired by real historical hand and a half swords but are designed to meet the requirements of stage combat and reenactment societies. Basically, any sword that was functional enough for a soldier to immediately mount and charge into battle. The handle has a black grip and a disk pommel. This stage sword may be wielded with one or two hands. Designed for authenticity and durability, the Champion Stage Combat Sword can withstand edge to edge contact to complete your performance with confidence and look great doing so. This sword is wonderful for controlled reenactments and theater productions.

Yes, Valentine’s Day (+$6.00) If there is anything I need that I do not want to pay an arm and a leg for, I know I can go to Dark Knight Armoury and not only find what I am looking for, but pay a fair and balanced price for the item.". This medieval arming sword features a blade that swells slightly at the top to put more weight in the hand to improve its cut and thrust capabilities, making for a very fast sword. I appreciate the work you've done for me. Our Bastard Sword with Guard Rings - Stage Combat or Sharpened Blade, is a Battle Ready Hand and a Half Sword. Our Bastard Swords are the ultimate size for full combat sparring. Each contour of our swords is individually shaped and sanded by the sword smith to create it’s unique form. During the first half of the 20th century, the term "bastard sword" was used regularly to refer to this type of sword. Next, the handguard is straight and gently tapers towards the ends. Swords of this type have been used by European reenactors in tournaments, sword fighting displays and battle re-enactments for many years.

I am very thankful for all of the wonderful help you have given me for this. SPECS: Our bastard swords are the ultimate size for full combat sparring. Race Ling Tian did not possess the combat power of the Soul Formation stage. Found inside"Little bastard, you will never know how big the difference is between Huns.